Biden Climate Czar Urges Big Tech to Censor Energy Debate

by Harold Hutchison


President Joe Biden’s top adviser on environmental issues called on technology companies to censor debates on environmental issues and energy policy during a Thursday event.

“The tech companies have to stop allowing specific individuals over and over again to spread disinformation,” White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy, a former EPA Administrator, said during a virtual event, according to Axios. “We need the tech companies to really jump in.”

McCarthy complained about opposition to certain environmental policies, blaming fossil fuel companies for delaying action to address climate change over the years during the event.

Last year, Google announced that videos with content that “contradicts well-established scientific consensus around the existence and causes of climate change” would be demonetized. Facebook and Twitter also took steps to fight supposed “misinformation” on environmental issues.

“Now it has moved from denial, but the dark money is still there,” McCarthy said during the Axios event. “The fossil fuel companies are still basically trying their best to make sure that people don’t understand the challenge of climate.”

The Biden administration canceled offshore oil and gas leases in May, imposed new regulations on onshore drilling in April and revoked a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline in January 2021. The administration admitted Tuesday that energy prices will still be at a historic high.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

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Harold Hutchison is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Gina McCarthy” by Executive Office of the President of the United States. Background Photo “U.S. Capitol” by Louis Velazquez.






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One Thought to “Biden Climate Czar Urges Big Tech to Censor Energy Debate”

  1. Thistlewaite

    In summary, there is no credible evidence that CO2 from human sources has ever caused, is now causing, or ever will cause significant global warming.

    Two attempts were made to check if the CO2 would cause warming:

    (1) The first check was to examine the 800,000 years of ice cores from Vostok station in Antarctica. From these cores, can plot temperature and CO2 concentration, and Al Gore included the plot in his movie. He claimed that “temperature and CO2 concentration went up and down together” or some such. That seems correct except: Looking at the data carefully, it was temperature changes, from whatever source but not CO2, that caused CO2 changes. Gore got the causality backwards.

    In more detail, available for anyone to see just looking at the graph:

    (1.1) When temperature started to rise, CO2 concentrations were low, not high. Something caused the temperature to rise, but it wasn’t CO2.

    (1.2) 800 years later CO2 concentrations were high, and the usual explanation is that the extra CO2 was generated by extra biological activity caused by the higher temperature.

    (1.3) Some thousands of years later, temperature fell. Then CO2 concentration was high, not low. Something caused the temperature to fall, but it wasn’t CO2. Indeed, the high concentration of CO2 did not keep the temperature from falling.

    CO2 doesn’t cause cooling, but actually the data Gore used is better evidence that CO2 causes cooling than warming. The simple, obvious explanation is that the warming effect of CO2 is so small that we can’t find it in the 800,000 years of data.

    (2) Second dozens of predictive studies were made to check if CO2 caused warming and how much. Some of the studies predicted significant warming, but the times of predicted warming came and went years ago with no such warming.

    So, net, both the experimental data and the predictive studies have failed to provide credible evidence that CO2 from human activities has caused, is causing, or will cause significant warming.

    That humans with fossil fuels are causing global warming or climate change is just a hoax.
